🌻 About me (dfranco).🌻

I'm a software developer with a passion for learning and teaching. I'm currently working part-time with a few web3 organizations as a Software Engineer. I spent the last 6 years working at a fintech startup, Fund That Flip, where I started as one of the first 10 employees (currently ~200). I helped grow that company with my colleagues (now friends) from a million dollars / per month in loan originations to almost a billion dollars / per year...while maintaining profitability!

Now, I'm looking for my next opportunity. I love building with people who are passionate, kind, and smarter than me.

Helpful links

  1. Github @ftfdfrancoeur65
  2. My Resume :)

Recent Projects

  1. 🔥 Firesale.art 🔥
  2. Launched in late 2021, Firesale.art lets users deposit "worthless" nfts into a smart contract in exchange for $LIT token to harvest tax losses. As a holder of $LIT they will earn revenue from any subsequent sales of deposited nfts. 80+ nfts deposited for tax harvesting in 2 days. Firesale Contract on ethereum. NFTs held in multisig treasury.

  3. 🔗 Coalesce - Chainlink Hackathon
  4. Smart contract protocol for Dollar Cost Averaging into and between select tokens (submitted to Chainlink Hackathon 2021) Gitbook, Github Repo

  5. 💧 NFT drop minter (Private repo)
  6. Automated program to take orders for minting NFTs via flashbots and utilizing mempool searching to get an edge for minting popular projects

  7. 👷 🤝 🛠️ Repo template for hardhat/foundry
  8. Automated program to take orders for minting NFTs via flashbots and utilizing mempool searching to get an edge for minting popular projects

Languages I code in: 💻

JavaScript, Ruby, Solidity, TypeScript, SQL, Java

Tools and Frameworks I use: 🔧

Libraries & Frameworks

Rails, Node.js, Express, Hardhat, Foundry, Nextjs, Rspec, Chai, Selenium

Tools & Platforms

Git, Heroku, Vercel, Netlify, Prisma, Supabase, Sidekiq, EasyCron, Docker, Miro, Figjam, Loom